Billie W. Taylor II, Ph.D.

Dublin the pipe

English Blue

pipe photo

pipe photo
The value of pipe #594 is 14 points.
14 points description

Tom Hall (tallhall on eBay) offered this pipe. The auction photo was overexposed and the Tom's answer to my inquiry was ambiguous, so it might have been the hard to find Horizon Blue. So I took a chance and bid. Sadly, it was a faded English Blue. The paint condition is poor, but the liner and mouthpiece seem to be pretty good. A good smoker, if not pretty for a collection. It will go to the Pipes for Trade page.

As time passed the paint deteriorated to the point that it was embarrassing to hold, much less smoke. So I have repainted it. It is now the wrong hue and, as you can see in the lower photo, the paint job I did is atrocious. But, if nobody looks too closely, it is presentable.

When I decided to sell off some more from this page, George Sackett jumped on it and now it is his.